Discover Our Products Guitars Currently I am still in the prototyping mode. Hopefully soon I can do some production models but for now just trying to build guitars and improve to a level where I feel I can actually share them for people. 01 Prototypes 02 neon 03 Helium Prototypes Still only making prototypes for now. Check them out below NEON 6 string Detail NEON 7 string Detail Helium 6 string Detail NEON Pulvinar tincidunt in ut ut faucibus eget donec et volutpat aliquet convallis facilisi quis morbi mattis. NEON 6 string Detail NEON 7 string Detail NEON 8 string? Detail Helium Pulvinar tincidunt in ut ut faucibus eget donec et volutpat aliquet convallis facilisi quis morbi mattis. Helium 6 string Detail Helium 7 string Detail Helium 8 string Detail